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Font - Atkinson Hyperlegibile

This website is intended to be used with a font called Atkinson Hyperlegible.

This font is designed for increased legibility to people with vision problems

The font is freely available to download on the Braille Institute website.

To quote the Braille Institute on the immediate purpose of the font, "Atkinson Hyperlegible font is named after Braille Institute founder, J. Robert Atkinson. What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability."

The Braille Institute I linked to goes into a lot more detail around the design of Atkinson Hyperlegible.

My Subjective Experience of the Font

I do not have any severe vision issues however I do notice many advantages to Atkinson Hyperlegibile.

Because readibility is at its core I assume this is why I am able to read the font for longer, edit my work with this font for longer, and write using this font for longer, all while experiencing less fatigue, both physical and mental. Any creative person will tell you creative work can be incredibly tiring.

Another benefit I believe to exist around Atkinson Hyperlegible is in how it effects people with dyslexia or who have a tendency to experience dyslexia style occurrences. Many know Comic Sans is a font that people with dyslexia find easy to deal with due to its design. Atkinson Hyperlegible follows a lot of the same design principles as Comic San while not looking 'silly.'

This means, I believe, for people with dyslexia or dyslexia style tendencies it's easier to spot where you've made typos, mistakes, mixed up words, mixed up the order of letters or words, or completely ommitted, or repeated, letters or words. It certainly aids me in achieving this with my own work. All help in this area is great as any writer will tell you it's almost impossible to fully eliminate mistakes and any boost to your efforts in doing so is a large beneift.

Here's the link to Atkinson Hyperlegible again. I would strongly suggest downloading the font and trying it for a while if you do any significant amount of work with text.